

A well-maintained gutter system is essential to protect your home from water damage. Among its key components, the downspout plays a crucial role in directing rainwater away from your foundation. In this guide, we will walk you through the steps on how to install a downspout.

Why Diverting Water Away from the Foundation is Crucial

Before we delve into the installation process, let’s understand why it’s so important to divert rainwater away from your home’s foundation. When rainwater flows off your roof, it can accumulate near the foundation, leading to a variety of issues:

Foundation Damage – Excess water around your foundation can cause it to weaken, crack, or even shift. This can result in very costly structural repairs.

Basement Flooding – Water pooling around the foundation can seep into your basement, causing damage to your possessions and creating a breeding ground for mold and mildew. This risk is heightened even more with foundation cracks.

Soil Erosion – Erosion can occur when rainwater consistently saturates the soil around your home. This can undermine the stability of your foundation and landscaping.

Pest Infestations – Standing water near your home can attract pests like mosquitoes and termites, which can be a nuisance and further damage your property.

Now that we understand the importance of proper water diversion, let’s move on to the steps for installing a downspout.

Tools and Materials You’ll Need

Before you begin the installation process, gather the following tools and materials:


  1. Measuring tape
  2. Hacksaw or reciprocating saw
  3. Screwdriver
  4. Level
  5. Marker or chalk
  6. Drill with drill bits


  1. Downspout
  2. Downspout Bracket
  3. Downspout straps
  4. Downspout elbows (if needed)
  5. Downspout extension (if needed)
  6. Screws
  7. Splash block (optional)
  8. Concrete anchors (if attaching to a concrete surface)

Steps for Installing a Downspout

Measure and Mark

Use your measuring tape and marker to measure the distance from the gutter outlet to the desired location for the downspout. Mark the location on the wall.

Cut the Downspout

Using a hacksaw or reciprocating saw, cut the downspout to the required length. Ensure it angles downward slightly towards the location where you want the water to be directed.

Attach the Downspout Bracket

Position a downspout bracket at the top of the downspout, near the gutter outlet. Secure it to the wall with screws and anchors when needed. Repeat this process for additional brackets along the length of the downspout, ensuring it is sufficiently supported.

Install Elbows and Extensions

If necessary, attach downspout elbows and extensions to direct water away from the foundation and towards a suitable drainage area.

Secure the Downspout

Use downspout straps to secure the downspout to the brackets and ensure it is firmly attached to the wall.

Test for Proper Water Flow

Run a hose into the gutter and observe the flow of water through the downspout. Ensure that it directs water away from the home effectively and isn’t leaking anywhere.

Add a Splash Block

For added protection, consider placing a splash block at the end of the downspout to disperse water away from the foundation and prevent pooling.

Importance of Keeping Gutters Clean

Installing a downspout is just one part of maintaining a functional gutter system. It’s essential to keep your gutters clean and free of debris to prevent clogs. Clogged gutters can cause water to overflow, defeat the purpose of your downspout, and cause water damage to your home or foundation.

If you want to ensure your gutters remain debris-free, consider installing gutter protection. A-Best Roofing offers effective gutter protection options that can keep leaves, twigs, and other debris out of your gutters, reducing the need for frequent cleaning. This is especially effective if you have lots of trees around your home.

Contact A-Best Today

Installing a downspout is a crucial step in protecting your home’s foundation from water damage. By diverting rainwater away from the foundation, you can prevent costly structural problems, basement flooding, and other issues.

While most homeowners who are comfortable with a little bit of DIY will be able to handle a downspout installation, don’t be afraid to hire professionals if you aren’t comfortable with the job or don’t have the necessary tools to get it done.

If you’re in the Tulsa area and need professional assistance with your downspouts and gutters, contact A-Best Roofing. Our experienced team can help you ensure your gutter system is in top-notch condition to protect your home from water-related damage. Don’t wait until it’s too late – protect your home and get that water diverted today!

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